Friday, December 26, 2014

The Land Where Handbags Go To Die

Do you really need that beautiful bag you have been eyeing? Sure it'll look amazing with that dress, and those shoes. But do you really need it? You have many other bags in your wardrobe. At one point in time, they were the perfect bag to have. Just like the one you're dreaming of right now. And now look where they have ended up, stored away in a corner of your wardrobe, have you even used them much lately? Or worst, have you forgotten about them?

You do not need a bag in every color, and you most certainly do not need different bags for every occasion. How much did those forgotten bags cost? $100? $200? You used to want them so badly, but now you barely even look at them because you have decided to focus on a new bag.  All they are now is a painful reminder of the money you have wasted.  You're stuck in a never-ending cycle of lusting after a certain bag, using it for a while, and then throwing it aside after a new bag comes along.

Is it really that hard to just pick a bag and stick to it for a year or two? Yeah there's a new it bag every season, and you feel compelled to embrace the trends, and every magazine's talking about how you absolutely need to have it.  But here's the deal, trends come and go, and after a while they fade away. Or end up in the pile with the other forgotten bags. Is it really worth spending hundreds upon hundreds of dollars on things that you're just going to end up forgetting about?

Step out of the cycle, put a stop to this completely pointless yearning and start telling yourself that those forgotten bags are still bags after all. And they're still pretty good aren't they? In that case, why do you need new ones?

I challenge you to take those bags out of that hidden corner in your wardrobe, and start using them again. Oh I'm sure you'll find new ways to wear them with your outfits. Haven't you heard? Reinvention is hot this season.

(image credits to

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