Monday, July 22, 2013

New Series: Monthly Picks + July Monthly Picks

Hi guys ! Today I will be introducing a NEW SERIES here on my blog !

Starting today, every single month I will do a Monthly Picks post where I do a collection of my favourite items from some online stores, these items will definitely still be available in the store so you can go and get them right after you finish reading my post. Please understand that in these Monthly Pick posts my intention is not for advertising these brands and companies, but because many people wanna know more about my style, so I feel that these posts could provide examples as to what kind of clothes and bags that I would most likely purchase. I hope you like these Monthly Picks blog posts, if you have any kind of feedback, or if you find that these Monthly Picks are helpful, you can tweet it to me with the hashtag "#MonthlyPicks" my Twitter is @allforcyan !

And now, let's start things off with Monthly Picks for the month of July.

From The Tinsel Rack (

More favourite items from Wardrobemess (

From OhMySmoothies (

That is all for this month's Monthly Picks ! I know there aren't that many items, but I assure you I will try to include more in next month's Monthly Picks. If you own an online store and you want me to check out the items in your store, please leave a comment in the comment section below or you can send me an email

Hope everyone enjoyed reading this as much as I loved creating this ! Talk to you again soon !

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Review: Acrylic Badges from Love Lacette !

Hey everyone ! Happy weekends ! Today, I am back with a review, and this is on some cute things that are really popular right now, ACRYLIC BADGES !! So without further ado, let's get right into it ! 

Cupcakes are my favourite snacks, they look so pretty and taste amazing. So when I saw that Love Lacette is selling this Cupcake Acrylic Badge in her Badges Preorder, I freaked out because this has Cyan written all over it. Cupcake-obsessed maniac, yup that's me! As this is a preorder, I had to wait about 2 weeks to receive my acrylic badge, but I did not mind having to wait at all, it just made me anticipate receiving this even more.

I was pleasantly surprised to find this sweet little message in my parcel. It shows how dedicated and wonderful a seller Love Lacette is. Even though it was a small gesture and a short message, it put a smile on my face and made my day so much better, thank you Love Lacette !

Isn't this just adorable ? And it only costs about $3 ! It's very durable because it's acrylic, and don't worry about the picture appearing pixelated, in person the picture is of fantastic quality.

I pinned my cupcake on my carry-all bag from Cotton On

Here are some designs she has in her preorder !


And that's not the end of it, she has wayyy more designs in her store. So click this link to check out the rest of the badges:

PRICES: $3 - $3.50 (normal mail postage fee included)

If you are interested in purchasing some of these acrylic badges, here are additional details about the preorder:
- You are required to complete your payment first
- The badges take about 2 and a half weeks to 3 weeks to arrive
- Free normal mail postage is provided, but for a safer method of postage, registered mail postage is advised. For registered mail postage, you are required to pay $2.50 more (per order)
- To purchase your badges, fill in the order form here:

If you have any other questions, you can contact Love Lacette by sending her a message on Facebook:

You can also check out Love Lacette's Instagram:
And her blog: