Sunday, July 21, 2013

Review: Acrylic Badges from Love Lacette !

Hey everyone ! Happy weekends ! Today, I am back with a review, and this is on some cute things that are really popular right now, ACRYLIC BADGES !! So without further ado, let's get right into it ! 

Cupcakes are my favourite snacks, they look so pretty and taste amazing. So when I saw that Love Lacette is selling this Cupcake Acrylic Badge in her Badges Preorder, I freaked out because this has Cyan written all over it. Cupcake-obsessed maniac, yup that's me! As this is a preorder, I had to wait about 2 weeks to receive my acrylic badge, but I did not mind having to wait at all, it just made me anticipate receiving this even more.

I was pleasantly surprised to find this sweet little message in my parcel. It shows how dedicated and wonderful a seller Love Lacette is. Even though it was a small gesture and a short message, it put a smile on my face and made my day so much better, thank you Love Lacette !

Isn't this just adorable ? And it only costs about $3 ! It's very durable because it's acrylic, and don't worry about the picture appearing pixelated, in person the picture is of fantastic quality.

I pinned my cupcake on my carry-all bag from Cotton On

Here are some designs she has in her preorder !


And that's not the end of it, she has wayyy more designs in her store. So click this link to check out the rest of the badges:

PRICES: $3 - $3.50 (normal mail postage fee included)

If you are interested in purchasing some of these acrylic badges, here are additional details about the preorder:
- You are required to complete your payment first
- The badges take about 2 and a half weeks to 3 weeks to arrive
- Free normal mail postage is provided, but for a safer method of postage, registered mail postage is advised. For registered mail postage, you are required to pay $2.50 more (per order)
- To purchase your badges, fill in the order form here:

If you have any other questions, you can contact Love Lacette by sending her a message on Facebook:

You can also check out Love Lacette's Instagram:
And her blog:

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