In this series, I will be doing some food-related posts, and cooking tutorials as well as my own original recipes so you can try them out at home ! Don't worry, these tutorials are really simple, and very easy to recreate. In this first part of my Cooking With Cyan series, I will be showing you guys my current obsession, Yogurt Snacks !!
I should warn you that this is a personal preference kind of thing, I really like this snack, but some people might not. If you want to take a risk, go ahead and try it ;)
First off, these are the ingredients you need !!
Any kind of yogurt is fine !
You can use any kind of biscuits, you don't necessarily need these vegetable crackers, I like using these because they taste AMAZINGGGG
Take some yogurt and put it in a bowl. It looks kinda icky, but we're just gonna let that slide... I PROMISE it's gonna look wayyy better in a sec !
And then I'm just gonna take a packet of those biscuits
Open it up, and put some slices into the yogurt !
And we're done !! That was pretty quick wasn't it ? And SUPER EASY ! Now go on ahead and taste our yogurt snack ! YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY
If you tried this out, please leave a comment below telling me what you think of it. Or you could tweet it to me @allforcyan with the hashtag #CookingWithCyan
I hope you enjoyed this first part of my Cooking With Cyan series !
Love, Cyan