Saturday, November 30, 2013

Blogmas 2013

As a special Christmas celebration, as well as a countdown to December 25th, I will be doing something called "Blogmas". What is Blogmas ? It's an idea I took from "Vlogmas" created by the youtubers. They do a vlog every single day from the start of December until Christmas, but instead of doing vlogs, I will be doing blog posts every single day till Christmas, which is why I named this series Blogmas instead of vlogmas. Sounds interesting doesn't it? So get ready for AllForCyan's Blogmas 2013, starting tomorrow December 1st to December 25th ! New blog posts everyday. Happy holidays !

Love, Cyan

Friday, November 29, 2013

Guess Who's Back !?! + Upcoming Posts

Hey guys, I'm back !!

I've been gone for about 2 months? Wow, that is such a horribly long time. But I had to stop blogging for awhile because I started school again and I've been spending all my time on tests and projects, leaving me with practically no time to prepare my blog posts. I've just been so busy rushing assignments and focusing on school-work. However, my projects are almost done, so I will have more time for blogging. And I've already started planning some cool and fun new posts that I can do ! As well as some other posts I said I was going to do but never uploaded them (so so sorry), I will have new posts every week, for a sneak peek take a look at my blogging schedule below!
  • What's In My Purse
  • What's In My Schoolbag
  • Purses I Love
  • Christmas Outfit Inspiration
  • Secret Scenta (2nd Edition)
That is all for this post ! I will be back very soon, thank you for reading !