Today I'm gonna the What's On My Phone tag ! My phone is the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and I've been using it for about 2 months, I've done tons of customizations to make my phone cuter and more girly.
I really love this phone because it's very big and has the very cool S Pen stylus and S Note function, sometimes I get inspirations for my fashion design or my songwriting it really helps that I can pull out my stylus and draw it down immediately. I have A LOT of phone cases, and I will be doing a separate post for the Phone Case Collection tag !
This is my home screen, and I'm so sorry you can't really see the borders because the colour blends completely into the background of my blog. As you can see, I've replaced the usual Whatsapp, Twitter and Instagram app icons with some photos from and some I took myself. I've also changeed the font of the icon text. How I managed to do these 2 customizations is by installing the GO Launcher app, it has options where you can replace the font and app icons.
It's just an app where you can create memo. I really like it because it's so girly and sweet and reminds me of a warm and cozy day with tea and comfy blankets.
And now, let's go into my music player. The icon is just a cute teddy bear (I love stuffed animals) with a crown.
It's just a normal music player. As you can see, I am currently listening to the Lemonade Mouth soundtrack. I loved the movie ! One of the best and most meaningful Disney films I've ever watched, if you haven't watched the movie yet, please do !
These are my Entertainment apps. I used to really love 4 Pics 1 Word, but I got really sick of it after awhile. The games I play most often are Farm Story and Bubble Mania.
I also have some languages apps which I use to learn Korean and Italian. These are the free versions, but I will be paying to upgrade to the pro version very soon because I'm just about done learning all the words in the free version I have,
I shall now show you what it looks like in my Facebook app. Lately I've hardly been on Facebook, the social networks I've been on constantly are Twitter and Instagram because I can update my tweets and photos very quickly, whereas Facebook takes longer to load. But this is what my theme is like when I log into Facebook:
Let's get on to TWITTER !!
Now let's take a look at what my Twitter looks like. My Twitter is @allforcyan. If you're reading this RIGHT NOW and you haven't followed me yet, please do ! I will give you a cookie ~~
I am so gonna tweet this right now !!!
<<<<< THERE IT IS !!!
<<< and YES I FOLLOW 1D, because I love them <3
Ok ! That is all that's in my phone ! I will be sure to do an updated WHAT'S IN MY PHONE tag if I change a new phone in the coming future. I LOVE YA. BYE !