Monday, December 2, 2013

Blogmas Day 2: Hot Chocolate + Gossip Girl !

Good morning everyone !

It's 8.00AM and I decided to do some blogging for Blogmas Day 2 before I head off to school. I just made a cup of hot chocolate because it's the best thing to wake me up and give me some energy before the day starts, and I really, really love hot chocolate. On Mondays, school starts at 12.00noon so I don't have to be up by 8.00AM like the rest of the days. I hate waking up early. Am I the only one who feels that the bed feels extremely comfy and warm in the mornings, when you have to get up super duper early but you just want to keep on lying there until the world ends? (Just kidding. But honestly, if you are a student too, I bet my lifetime's supply of hot chocolate that you feel exactly the same way too.)
Oh, and I recently starting watching Gossip Girl again. I like how the characters have really great style and impeccable taste and I just want everything in Serena van der Woodsens' closet.

Serena van der Woodsen from Gossip Girl, portrayed by Blake Lively

Sadly, today's post ends here, I have to get ready for school now. 
Thank you for reading and I will be back tomorrow for Blogmas Day 3 !

Love, Cyan

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Blogmas Day 1: What's In My Bag

Happy Holidays everyone ! Welcome to DAY 1 of Blogmas. Today I will be showing you what I keep inside my bag on a daily basis. This bag is my absolute favorite, it holds just the right amount of things I need.

Notice this fluffy ball on my bag? It's an adorable keychain I got while I was in Korea. It's a very common accessory which is why I am sure you will be able to find it at Korean accessories or Korean gift-shops where you live. I like to attach it as a personal touch for my bags.

This bag consists of a front pocket, and a large main component. I like the magnetic closures, as well as the large zip in the main component as it keeps my things very secure, and prevents my things from falling out when I'm rushing from places to places.

Starting with the items in the front compartment. These are the things I like to have easy access to, so I won't have to dig within the dark abyss that is the large compartment when I need these things urgently.

 Coach miniature pouch (similar here and here )

I've been using this Coach pouch for a very long time, the material is very durable, but as you can see the silver design is already fading off with many years of use.

 Hair bow from Daiso

I've always kept a hair accessory in my bag because I like to keep my hair out of my face when I'm eating. And look ! The hair bow perfectly matches the colour of my bag.

That is everything I keep for easy accessibility in the front pocket. Let's move on to the large main compartment.

 Clean & Clear Oil Control Film

Another bag essential, I like to keep my face oil-free throughout the day. These are the pink guava scented films from Clean & Clear, they smell amazing !

 Coach wallet, old collection (similar here)

Something everyone has in their bags, the every-important wallet. This is the wallet I've used for the past 2 years, it's big enough to hold notes as well as receipts. I like to keep store receipts in here for about 2 weeks, in case I need to return anything.

2013 Weekly Planner from Smiggle (similar here)

Keeping things organized is the key to my personal success, I also like to note down important dates as well as assignment submissions so I don't miss out on anything.

 Hand Sanitizer from Bath And Body Works

This smells so delicious, and keeps the germs away ! There is nothing I love more than the smell of  sweet, yummy cupcakes and icing.

 Maybelline Baby Lips, New York Fashion Week'13 Limited Edition

As I've mentioned previously, my lips have the tendency to crack because I always forget to consume enough water, which is why I like to keep this in my bag, in case my lips need some repair through the day.

The standard tissue packet, just in case. I really like the flowers on this, as well as the sweet packaging.

When I'm alone either during shopping trips, or long bus rides, I like to listen to music or watch YouTube videos. This is something I can't live without, the lilac colour is another reason why I love using it.

Perfume from Rituelle (from here)

I also like to bring around a miniature perfume. This sweet Cotton Candy scent makes me feel extremely girly. As you can probably tell, I am a huge fan of scents of sweet threats like cupcakes and cotton candy.

And that is all there is in my bag ! I hope you enjoyed this post for Blogmas Day 1 !
Thank you for reading, happy holidays.

Love, Cyan