Saturday, August 10, 2013

School Supplies Haul

Hi everyone ! Happy weekends !

Today I will be doing a haul of all the new items I got for school. On my Facebook, I said I was going to do one whole post on everything school-related, my school supplies haul, organization tips and study tips, but I realised that was a bit too much to be put into one post. So I decided to split things up, I will be doing separate posts for organization tips, study tips and more school-related things. Today, we are starting things off with my School Supplies Haul, I hope you enjoy this haul and I hope you find this useful !

Let's get started !

Sticky notes are essential for school, they are great for taking down short memos and for marking important details you have to take note of. I got all of these from Daiso for $2 per packet.

These are the standard plain design sticky notes that you can get anywhere, I like to get the ones with bright colours because they are super outstanding, whenever I flip a page they always catch my eye because they're so bright ! So I won't miss out on anything important !

If you feel that the simple coloured sticky notes are a little bit too plain and boring, you can get these patterned ones with floral, checkered, and polka dots. I think they're super unique, and very girly. I like to stick them in my notes to make them look more interesting and cute.

This one with the cute little porcupines is my favourite, don't they look adorable? You can find more sticky notes like these at Daiso, they have so many designs and I'm sure you'll find something that you'll love !

Because I don't like my things lying everywhere, I got this box from Daiso to store all the sticky notes. This makes my desk a whole lot neater. Organization tip: You can get a box like this to store your sticky notes, it adds a sweet touch to your desk. And because sticky notes are so small, you tend to lose them easily. Keeping them in a box makes it easy for you to locate them.

Highlighters are another study essential. They really help when you're studying because you can highlight any important details, and then when you're doing your revision you know what are the areas to focus on. I've always loved scented highlighters because they smell so good !
This pack has 4 different scents: orange, strawberry, banana and pineapple. 
The pack of scented markers are from Daiso !

A fun fact to share with you guys ! When I saw these "scented markers" at Daiso, I didn't know they were highlighters, I thought they were whiteboard markers. But when I got home I opened the packet and found out that they are actually highlighters, so that was pretty awesome !

And you all know that we gotta have these things for school, pencil cases ! I got these ones from Daiso too ! Practically all the things I got in this haul are from Daiso. I got myself a pink pencil case with polka dots, and a fluffy light blue one. They are so cute and I can't wait to use them.

I just keep my stationery in these, the usual pens, pencils and highlighters ! Daiso always has cute pencil cases so I like to go there when I need a new one.

The next items in my haul are these notebooks. I find that in school I always need to take down notes, so I decided to get these cute notebooks from Typo. They were super inexpensive, only about $2-$3, and are in the a5 size so they're really handy to carry around.

I also got 2 more notebooks and these are from Daiso. You all know how much I love polka dots, floral and mint green. These were super inexpensive too, $2 each.

These 2 notebooks are in the a4 size. As a size comparison I brought in one of the previous a5 notebooks.

Then I saw these at Typo, and of course I had to get them. They look awesome and I know I would be needing these because I have so many classes, and I need to write a lot of notes.

These notebooks have these pockets where you can put in your sticky notes or memo cards, awesome !

Next I got some clear folders so I can put in any important notes and lecture material that my teacher gives me. I also like to keep my homework in here. These 2 folders are from Daiso.

I also got some binders so that I can keep all my papers organized. Which makes it easier for me to look through all the papers and study material when I'm revising for my exams.

This is the end of my very long School Supplies Haul ! I hope you found some of the tips useful, I will also be doing a separate post where I will have MORE study tips and organization tips !
I will talk to you guys soon ! Have a wonderful wonderful day !


Anonymous said...

hey girl! i like your stlye!! and was wondering where did you get these?! i love them could you please tell me please!!!! bye

Sarah said...

Hi, I rarely comment on blogs but your supplies were amazing and I hadn't heard of these stores before so Thanks :) Keep Blogging!

AllForCyan said...

Hey Anonymous,
These items are either from Daiso or Typo! They have store worldwide, I do hope you can find one near you :)

AllForCyan said...

Hi Sarah, thank you so much, you're so sweet! I will strive to write better blog posts, thank you for helping me stay motivated :)

Chelle Baltazar said...

This is a proof that school supplies need not to be boring! Your loots are all so pretty! :)

AllForCyan said...

Hi Chelle Baltazar,

Yes!! They definitely make studying a lot more interesting :) Thank you ♥