Sunday, June 9, 2013

Summer Haul: Clothing, Accesories + more ! (Forever 21, Cotton On, Sephora)

HEY GUYS !!! Today I am back with another haul for y'all ! You ready ? Got your seat belts on ? Got your Slurpee? (Just kidding, I'm actually drinking a green apple Slurpee right now, and it's SUPER DUPER YUMMY !!)

First place I went to was Sephora

I got this from Sephora, it's a mini palette. But I didn't purchase this, it was my birthday yesterday so Sephora gave this to me as a birthday gift.

It has 4 eyeshadow colours, really pretty neutrals. 2 lip glosses, as you can see I've already used some. And a blush. I will be doing a review on this, be sure to check it out ;)

Next, I went to Forever 21. They were having a sale, but sadly none of the items I got were on sale :(

I got this pair of really pretty sky blue/pastel high-waisted shorts. This is the first pair of shorts I've ever purchased at Forever 21. I've always wanted to get some shorts from there, but they are kinda pricey for shorts, so I never bought any. But since it was my birthday yesterday, I decided to give myself a little treat.

This is what they look like on the back. No crazy pocketing. Because you guys already know that I'm not a really big fan of crazy pocketing.

Spikes instead of the usual studs

I got a tote bag to put my school books and other random knick-knacks. I think it's super cute and I LOVE that camera ! And it says SMILE ~

And surprise surprise, Cyan got more bows. These are black lace bows and they're super adorable <33 You guys know I am CRAZY about bows. Everything that's a bow, I just gravitate towards. Oh ! And this was $3, super inexpensive. 

QUICK TIP TIME ! Whenever you're shopping for accessories at Forever 21, look out for this kind of pink price tags, items with the pink price tag only cost $3 !

Then I headed over to Cotton On, where they were having the CRAZIEST sale !

I got this pair of floral shorts. I've been looking out for floral shorts for a very long time, and I never found a pair I really like. So I walked into Cotton On and when I saw this pair, a beam of white light shone on it and magical music started playing. Just kidding, I just fell in love with it. And I knew that this is it, the perfect pair of floral shorts for me. AND IT WAS THE LAST PAIR !! AND IN MY SIZE !!! Tell me this isn't meant to be !
Shortsies, thank you for waiting for me !

THIS is what it looks like on the b-b-b-back ! No crazy pocketing ! I get the feeling I'm gonna wear it so much this summer. Forget summer, I'm gonna wear it THE WHOLE YEAR !

Price tag ! $29.95

I also got this sleeveless tank top ! It has flowers on it and it was ON SALEEEEE ! FOR $10 !!
I know, I know, the price is out of this world !!

It was originally $24.95 and I got it for $10 ! SCOREEEEE

Then I got this denim circle skirt ! I've been on the lookout for something like that ever since I saw something like that in the Kendall & Kylie Collection for Pacsun. We don't have a Pacsun in Singapore and that's a real pity *grabs a Kleenex*

It's $19.95 by the way, in case this photo isn't clear enough...

That is all I bought at the retail stores. But this is not the end of this haul, I have a couple more items I ordered online from Cotton On.

I got this pair of black crochet shoes from Cotton On at the most incredible price of $10. I can't wait to wear it with denim shorts and pretty highwaisted skirts.

My school bag broke, so I needed a replacement and I found this online at $15, so of course I had to grab it. It's the grey marle material with brown leather accents, and I thought that would look really cute for school. Oh ! This is from Cotton On too. They have a few other designs for this, a denim one and a camo one.

That is all I have for you in this haul ! I hope you enjoyed reading it. 

I will talk to you soon. Love, Cyan

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