Saturday, May 18, 2013

Nail Updates: Poison Nails (+ a little Heart To Heart)

I decided to go for something a little less sweet than my previous mint green nails.

Life has been really rough for me lately, I guess this is my rebellion against all the hurt I've had to go through. I used to go very far out by expressing my frustration and pain by using dark gothic/vampish nails to symbolize that I've gone into my dark side, sort of like when Jean Grey became the vicious Dark Phoenix in X-Men. My friends know that it's a sign that I've reached my breaking point and wasn't gonna be the sweet and nice Cyan for awhile.

But I soon realised that I got slightly sick of my dark persona, and I wasn't going to be sweet Cyan when I'm still dealing with all these pain, so I went for something in the middle. I feel that these poison nails are the kind of nails the Wicked Witch or Medusa would have.

colour: Revlon 330 Emerald

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